Sunday, August 26, 2012

The 2012 Color Run ~ My First 5K


What a journey, what a challenge! 

On April 26th I had a thought- "Has anyone used the Couch-to-5K app? I'm thinking about doing it!" 

On April 29th I started my training- "I finished Day 1 of Couch-to-5K, it didn't sound too difficult but it was a little rough, not going to lie! That's the most running I've done in a very long time!!" 

Mind you Day 1 was a 5 minute warm-up walk, followed by 8 repetitions of 60 sec running and 90 sec brisk walking, finished with a 5 minute cool-down walk. Doesn't sound too difficult right? Yeah, that's what I thought.. here's what happened in the next two days...

May 1st- "I finished Day 2 of Couch-to-5K... I'm having a hard time believing this is going to get easier. In some aspects it was easier today, but it was definitely hard. I know, I know, it's only Day 2." 

May 3rd- "Finished Day 3 of Week 1... dear Lord kill me. I love the results I'm seeing from the program but I can't keep my endurance up. any suggestions runners?"

The program continued for 8 more weeks and finally-
July 26th - "I officially completed my 5K training!!! I increased my pace to 14.06 min/mile and did a distance of 2.13 miles in 30 minutes! So proud of myself!! A big thank you to those of you who cheered me on along the way and to my hubby for running with me! Now time to move on to 10K training!" 

When I started my training I wasn't sure if I was actually going to run a 5K, the whole thought sort of intimidated me. Then I saw Eric's cousin Alex did a Color Run, after seeing the pictures he posted I knew I had to do it! I registered for my first 5K, the Color Run in Milwaukee on June 6th! 

Then the day finally arrived, the Milwaukee Color Run on August 24th! My goal was to run the entire thing without stopping. We stopped once for water and took our time through all the color spots, but other than that I ran the entire thing! I'm so grateful for Rhonda and Becca cheering me and supporting me until the very end! The best feeling was seeing Eric waiting for me at the finish line with a big smile on his face. I had done it, I completed my training and my first 5K! I'm so proud of myself, I set a goal and completed it! I celebrated and danced with 10,000 runners including my sister-in-law, my husband, my husbands aunt and cousin and some of his friends! It was a blast, a perfect way to end an amazing journey! 

I've recently starting 10K training and I'm hoping I'll be able to do my first 10K on Thanksgiving! Wish me luck! 

 "Strong is what you have left when you've used up all your weak"

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